What are the TrueSpam score values?

Modified on: 2016-03-10 16:54:14 UTC

TrueSpam scores are a numeric value with a range of 0 to 100. The number indicates how likely a caller is to be "spammy" such as those from telemarketers and robocallers. Typically, the higher the number, the more likely the caller is someone you may not want to speak with. Here's a breakdown of the range:

0 - the lowest score, or least likely to be a telemarketer, robocaller, or a fraudulent call.

100 - the highest score, or most likely to be a telemarketer, robocaller, or a fraudulent call.

The following indicates typical ranges you may wish to consider:

0 to 39 - "Low"

40 to 79 - "Medium"

80 to 100 - "High"

We recommend using Medium and/or High scores when considering sending calls to voicemail, blocking them, or performing other actions.

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